Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 355
Enhanced resource allocation in mobile edge computing using reinforcement learning based MOACO algorithm for IIOT
The Mobile networks deploy and offers a multiaspective approach for various resource allocation paradigms and the service based options in the computing segments with its implication in the Industrial Internet of Things ...
Reconfiguration and reinforcement allocation as applied to hourly medium-term load forecasting of distribution feeders
(Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2020)
In this study, a methodology to develop hourly demand scenarios in a medium-term horizon for primary distribution substations is presented and applied to a case study. The main contribution of this study is that it addresses ...
Multistage Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Fixed Series Compensation Allocation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013-11-01)
This paper proposes a mathematical model for multistage transmission expansion planning (TEP) considering fixed series compensation (FSC) allocation and N-1 security constraints for both transmission lines and FSCs. FSCs ...
A local search algorithm to allocate loads predicted by spatial load forecasting studies
In recent years, spatial load forecasting studies have helped to direct the expansion of the distribution systems in cities with rapid urban growth, providing maps that showing the spatial distribution of expected load. ...
Children 's interest reading: a procedure to investigate the reinforcer value of activitiesInteresse de Crianças por Leitura: Um Procedimento para Identificar o Valor Reforçador Relativo de Atividades
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2010)
Interesse de Crianças por Leitura: Um Procedimento para Identificar o Valor Reforçador Relativo de AtividadesChildren 's interest reading: a procedure to investigate the reinforcer value of activities
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2010)
Deep reinforcement learning and graph neural networks for efficient resource allocation in 5G networks
(IEEE, 2022)
The increased sophistication of mobile networks such as 5G and beyond, and the plethora of devices and novel use cases to be supported by these networks, make of the already complex problem of resource allocation in wireless ...
Multistage Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Fixed Series Compensation Allocation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
GROWS - Improving decentralized resource allocation in wireless networks through graph neural networks
(ACM, 2022)
Wireless networks have progressed exponentially over the last decade, and modern wireless networking is today a complex to manage tangle, serving an ever-growing number of end-devices through a plethora of technologies. ...