Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
Simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature using multimode interference inside a high birefringence fiber loop mirror
(Elsevier Science SaLausanneSuíça, 2013)
Biodiesel synthesis with alkaline catalysts: A new refractometric monitoring and kinetic study
(Elsevier Sci LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2014)
Fiber optics sensing platform for monitoring biological and chemical species at low-concentrations
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaMedellín - Ciencias - Doctorado en Ciencias - FísicaFacultad de CienciasMedellín, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, 2023)
The undertaken research work for this thesis dissertation aims for the development of a fiber optics sensing platform, which allows for the effective detection of chemical and biological species at low concentrations. This ...
Output-feedback control of nonlinear bilateral teleoperators
Holographic interferometer is used with a dye-doped photopolymer on one of its arms, the sample is radiated simultaneously with two wavelengths, and measuring the pattern fringe displacement we can calculate the refraction ...
Biosensores amperométricos basados en la inmovilización de Escherichia coli y acetilcolinesterasa en organoarcillas aplicados a la detección de 3,5-Diclorofenol y Clorpirifos.
(Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y NaturalesManizalesMaestría en Química, 2021)
Caracterización funcional del canal de potasio activado por calcio de conductancia intermedia (KCa3.1) en el endotelio de la córnea en condiciones fisiológicas y en ambientes hiperglúcidos
The cornea is the lens that protects the anterior surface of the eye and its transparent nature is a crucial part of the functioning of the eye. This characteristic is mainly determined by the activity of the cells of its ...