Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 32
Efeito cicloplégico na refração automatizada
Purpose: To show the importance of the cicloplegic method in the refraction evaluation comparing the automated refraction (subjective and objective) and the subjective static refraction. Method: One-hundred patients (200 ...
Efeito cicloplégico na refração automatizada
Purpose: To show the importance of the cicloplegic method in the refraction evaluation comparing the automated refraction (subjective and objective) and the subjective static refraction. Method: One-hundred patients (200 ...
Cirurgia refrativa: quem precisa de tratamento personalizado?
(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2003-01-01)
Refractive surgery is facing an important period of its evolution. Day by day we are getting used to terms such as: wave front, customized ablation, supervision, aberrations, etc. What will be the future of all these ...
Study of ocular aberrations with age
(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2009-10-01)
INTRODUCTION: Aging has various effects on visual system. Vision deteriorate, contrast sensitivity decreases and ocular aberrations apparently make the optical quality worse across the years. PURPOSE: To prospective evaluate ...
Oculometric parameters of hyperopia in children with esotropic amblyopia
Purpose: To study the oculometric parameters of hyperopia in children with esotropic amblyopia, comparing amblyopic eyes with fellow eyes. Methods: Thirty-seven patients (5-8 years old) with bilateral hyperopia and esotropic ...
O cálculo do poder das lentes intra-oculares e o Orbscan-II. Parte 1: O poder óptico da córnea normal
(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2003-10-01)
PURPOSE: To evaluate the dioptric power of the normal central cornea. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of combined slit-scanning and Placido-ring topography in 30 normal eyes. RESULTS: Keratometric-mean, anterior-mean, ...
Una revisión sobre el proceso de emetropización
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 11 d)
Aplicação de fórmula corretiva nas alterações da pressão intraocular dos pacientes submetidos a LASIK
(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2011)
OBJETIVO: Comparar a pressão intraocular (PIO) pré e pós-LASIK, correlacionando-as com as mudanças da espessura corneana central (ECC) e ceratometria simulada média (K), assim como verificar o resultado de fórmula corretiva ...
Correlación entre el índice de refracción de la lágrima y las características clínicas y demográficas en pacientes con ojo seco mayores de 40 años
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado de OptometríaFacultad de Optometría, 2019-07-12)
Introduction: Physiological changes, in addition to pathological and environmental changes, influence the quantity and quality of information about the eye. Taking into account the ophthalmological and / or optometric ...