Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2065
Desenvolvimento de instrumentação eletrônica portátil para medida de pH em campo por meio de sensor óptico à base de filme de Polianilina
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia - PPGBiotecCâmpus São Carlos, 2014-05-30)
The pH measurement has an important role in biotechnological processes as enzymatic
reactions, fermentation processes and others. This ways the general objective of this work is
therefore the development of a portable ...
Ultralow power CMOS cells for temperature sensors
Temperature sensors and voltage references require cells that generate both PTAT (Proportional To Absolute Temperature) and NTC (Negative Temperature Coe±cient) voltages. We present a novel theoretical approach based on a ...
An analytic Study of the Key Factors Influencing the Design and Routing Techniques of a Wireless Sensor Network
A wireless sensor network contains various nodes having certain sensing, processing & communication capabilities. Actually they are multifunctional battery operated nodes called motes. These motes are small in size & battery ...
Spectral and Atmospheric Characterization of a Site at Atacama Desert for Earth Observation Sensor Calibration
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015)
The application of Earth observation sensor data in quantitative approaches calls on the conversion of original digital numbers to radiometric quantities such as radiance or reflectance. This conversion depends on the ...
A novel device with 36 channels for imaging and signal acquisition of the gastrointestinal tract based on AC biosusceptometry
The alternate current biosusceptometry (ACB) is a biomagnetic technique used to study some physiological parameters associated with gastrointestinal (GI) tract. For this purpose it applies an AC magnetic field and measures ...
A novel device with 36 channels for imaging and signal acquisition of the gastrointestinal tract based on AC biosusceptometry
The alternate current biosusceptometry (ACB) is a biomagnetic technique used to study some physiological parameters associated with gastrointestinal (GI) tract. For this purpose it applies an AC magnetic field and measures ...
Estudio del Comportamiento de Sensores industriales Mediante la Implementación de un Sistema de Entrenamiento en Sensórica
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2016)
Algoritmo de localização utilizando o método MMSE para o cálculo de posição de nós sensores em uma rede móvel
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRCiência da ComputaçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Informática, 2013-11-12)
Applications that use sensor networks depends on knowing which position where each
node is arranged in a particular geographic area. For this, there are algorithms that perform location
calculations to estimate the exact ...