Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 231
Chemical Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium Present in Contaminated Soil using a Packed-bed Column Reactor
(Wiley-v C H Verlag GmbhWeinheimAlemanha, 2009)
Storage in cerrado soil and germination of Psychotria vellosiana (Rubiaceae) seeds
The regeneration of plant communities from seed depends, to a large extent, on the capacity of the seed remaining viable in the soil. The viability and germination of artificially buried Psychotria vellosiana seeds in ...
Storage in cerrado soil and germination of Psychotria vellosiana (Rubiaceae) seeds
The regeneration of plant communities from seed depends, to a large extent, on the capacity of the seed remaining viable in the soil. The viability and germination of artificially buried Psychotria vellosiana seeds in ...
Numerical Analysis of the Behavior of Compacted and Natural Unsaturated Tropical Soils
(Ios Press, 2019-01-01)
Several regions of countries with tropical climate exhibit alternation between dry and rainy seasons and, these countries also exhibit geological processes that create ideal conditions for the formation of thick layers of ...
Índice e fluxo de água e ar em solos do Sul do Brasil
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRAgronomiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência do Solo, 2007-09-27)
Soil structure is defined by form and arrangement of soil particles and pores. As a consequence of time increase of no-tillage use the soil structure has been modified by repetition of traffic caused by agricultural ...
Soil properties in a sugarcane plantation after the application of treated sewage effluent and phosphogypsum in Brazil
In a field experiment performed in Lins County (Sao Paulo State, Brazil), treated sewage effluent (TSE) irrigation increased sugarcane yield but caused an excessive increase in the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) and ...
Dispersão e condutividade hidráulica em solos de Pernambuco, em resposta à saturação por sódio e à concentração salina da soluçãoDispersion and hydraulic conductivity in soils of Pernambuco, in response to sodium saturation and salt solution concentration
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBRFertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,Mestrado em Solos e Nutrição de PlantasUFV, 2015)
Selección de indicadores de sustentabilidad relacionados con la erosión eólica para la región semiárida central argentina (RSCA)
(Universidad Nacional del Sur, 2012)
En ambientes semiáridos la erosión eólica es el principal proceso de degradación del suelo que dificulta el desarrollo de sistemas sustentables. Es por ello, que el objetivo general de esta tesis fue: seleccionar indicadores ...