Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 16313
Comprehensive Evaluation of Matrix Factorization Models for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems
Matrix factorization models are the core of current commercial collaborative filtering Recommender Systems. This paper tested six representative matrix factorization models, using four collaborative filtering datasets. ...
Applying the technology acceptance model to evaluation of recommender systems
(Center for Technological Design and Development in Computer Science, 2015-06)
In general, the study of recommender systems emphasizes the efficiency of techniques to provide accurate recommendations rather than factors influencing users' acceptance of the system; however, accuracy alone cannot account ...
Entertainment recommender systems for group of users
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2011-10)
Recommender systems are used to recommend potentially interesting items to users in different domains. Nowadays, there is a wide range of domains in which there is a need to offer recommendations to group of users instead ...
Introducing the concept of "always–welcome recommendations"
(IEEE Computer SocietyInternational Association for Computer and Information Science - ACISLas Vegas, 2015-06)
One of the major challenges on Recommender Systems is how to predict users’ preferences regarding contextual constraints in a group. There are situations which a user could be recommended with an appropriate item for one ...
Let s go to the cinema!: A movie recommender system for ephemeral groups of users
(Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática, 2015)
Review of Current Student-Monitoring Techniques used in eLearning-Focused recommender Systems and Learning analytics. The Experience API & LIME model Case Study
Recommender systems require input information in
order to properly operate and deliver content or behaviour
suggestions to end users. eLearning scenarios are no exception.
Users are current students and recommendations ...
Web Site Recommendation Modelling Assisted by Ontologies Networks
(Cadernos de Informática, 2010)
Latent association rule cluster based model to extract topics for classification and recommendation applications
(Elsevier B.V., 2018-12-01)
The quality of any text mining technique is highly dependent on the features that are used to represent the document collection. A classical form of document representation is the vector space model (VSM), according to ...