Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 349
Phylogenetic studies of the Spiridentaceae (Musci): Observations of three morphological characters associated with pleurocarpyPhylogenetic studies of the Spiridentaceae (Musci): Observations of three morphological characters associated with pleurocarpy
(Anales del Instituto de Biología serie Botánica, 2009)
Phylogeny of Clusiaceae based on rbcL sequences
(Univ Chicago PressChicagoEUA, 2002)
Molecular systematics of Thorea (Rhodophyta, Thoreales) species in Brazil
(Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo, 2010)
This study aimed to evaluate species level taxonomy and phylogenetic relationship among Thorea species in Brazil and other regions of the world using two molecular markers - RUBISCO large subunit plastid gene (rbcL) and ...
Molecular systematics of Thorea (Rhodophyta, Thoreales) species in Brazil
(Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo, 2010-06-01)
Este estudo objetivou avaliar a taxonomia no nível específico e as relações filogenéticas entre as espécies de Thorea do Brasil e de outras regiões do mundo usando dois marcadores moleculares - genes plastidial da subunidade ...
Molecular systematics of Thorea (Rhodophyta, Thoreales) species in Brazil
(Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo, 2010-06-01)
Este estudo objetivou avaliar a taxonomia no nível específico e as relações filogenéticas entre as espécies de Thorea do Brasil e de outras regiões do mundo usando dois marcadores moleculares - genes plastidial da subunidade ...
A phylogenetic analysis of Rhamnaceae using rbcL and trnL-F plastid DNA sequences
Previous tribal classifications of Rhamnaceae have been based on fruit characters, resulting in the delimitation of large and otherwise heterogeneous groups. We evaluated the most recent classification with DNA sequences ...
Phylogenetic relationship of Sirodotia species (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) in North and South America
(Adac-cryptogamie, 2007-05-01)
Sequence data from the RUBISCO large subunit (rbcL) plastid gene and nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) were examined for five samples of Sirodotia delicatula from southeastern Brazil. Data from six North ...
Phylogenetic relationship of Sirodotia species (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) in North and South America
(Adac-cryptogamie, 2007-05-01)
Sequence data from the RUBISCO large subunit (rbcL) plastid gene and nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) were examined for five samples of Sirodotia delicatula from southeastern Brazil. Data from six North ...