Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 770
Proyecto de Pasturas de los Andes Altos
El desarrollo de la reunión busca facilitar el intercambio de experiencias sobre las investigaciones en pasturas de zonas altas, establecer proyectos cooperativos, establecer sendos bancos de germoplasma de praderas nativa ...
A review on invasive plants in rangelands of Argentina
(Interciencia, 2013-02)
In Argentina, information on invasive plants is restricted to croplands, while no information is available on rangelands. Our objectives were to 1) identify and describe various characteristics of the most important ...
Anchored in 'average thinking' in studies of arid rangeland dynamics: The need for a step forward from traditional measures of variability
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015-05-07)
There is a wide consensus that arid and semi-arid environments are highly variable in space and time. The most frequent approaches to describe and analyze arid and semi-arid rangelands are based on the usage of averages ...
Restoration of palatable grasses: A study case in degraded rangelands of central Argentina
(Academic Press Ltd-elsevier Science Ltd, 2008-10)
Restoration of palatable grasses on degraded rangelands dominated by unpalatable grasses in central Argentina is limited by low availability of seeds and safe sites for seedling establishment. The objective of our study ...
Forest and rangeland soils of the United States under changing conditions : a comprehensive science synthesis
Soils have life-giving and life-sustaining capabilities that directly or indirectly support all living organisms. Humanity’s well-being and health are tied directly to the health of soils.
Worldwide, soil processes ...
Cattle raising in central, semiarid rangelands of Argentina
(Elsevier, 2006-02)
Most rangelands are managed inappropriately in Argentina. This article provides some simple guidelines that can ensure a better grazing of rangeland vegetation and simultaneously increase beef production. Our main objective ...
Soil erodibility and quality of volcanic soils as affected by pine plantations in degraded rangelands of NW Patagonia
NW Patagonia in Argentina has high potential for planting fast-growing exotic conifers, supported by its volcanic soils. Nonetheless, many aspects related to the effects of pine plantations on soil are still unknown. We ...
Forage provision is more affected by droughts in arid and semi-arid than in mesic rangelands
(Wiley, 2022-06)
Droughts are projected to increase in magnitude, frequency and duration in the near future. In rangelands, the provision of valuable ecosystem services such as forage supply for livestock productivity is intimately linked ...