Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18448
Visibilidad de Alcance Limitado en Polígonos EscaleraVisibility of limited range in staircase polygons
(Computación y Sistemas, 2010)
Cold water temperatures define the poleward range limits of south American fiddler crabs
Temperature increase due to climate change has caused shifts in the range distribution of several organisms globally. In coastal intertidal environments most organisms have an amphibious life cycle and their poleward range ...
Improved effective-range expansions for small and large values of scattering length
The textbook effective-range expansion of scattering theory is useful in the analysis of low-energy scattering phenomenology when the scattering length |a| is much larger than the range R of the scattering potential: |a| ...
Physical attributes and limiting water range as soil quality indicators after mechanical harvesting of sugarcane
Monitoring soil physical quality in areas cultivated with sugarcane has become a key management practice of this crop. It is due to the in-field traffic of heavy machines, implements, high mass harvesters and transhipments ...
Geographical implications of seasonal reproduction in the bat star Asterina stellifera
(Elsevier, 2013-05)
The reproductive cycle and environmental cues that regulate gonad production in Asterina stellifera were studied from April 2009 to April 2011 in a rocky subtidal habitat at the southernmost limit of its distribution (Mar ...
Effective range from tetramer-dissociation data for cesium atoms
The shifts in the four-body recombination peaks, due to an effective range correction to the zero-range model close to the unitary limit, are obtained and used to extract the corresponding effective range of a given atomic ...
Effective range from tetramer-dissociation data for cesium atoms
The shifts in the four-body recombination peaks, due to an effective range correction to the zero-range model close to the unitary limit, are obtained and used to extract the corresponding effective range of a given atomic ...