Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 22949
Partially Observed Markov Random Fields Are Variable Neighborhood Random Fields
The present paper has two goals. First to present a natural example of a new class of random fields which are the variable neighborhood random fields. The example we consider is a partially observed nearest neighbor binary ...
On the convergence of random polynomials and multilinear forms
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2011-10)
We consider different kinds of convergence of homogeneous polynomials and multilinear forms in random variables. We show that for a variety of complex random variables, the almost sure convergence of the polynomial is ...
Design-based random permutation models with auxiliary information
We extend the random permutation model to obtain the best linear unbiased estimator of a finite population mean accounting for auxiliary variables under simple random sampling without replacement (SRS) or stratified SRS. ...
Random perturbations of stochastic processes with unbounded variable length memory
We consider binary infinite order stochastic chains perturbed by a random noise. This means that at each time step, the value assumed by the chain can be randomly and independently flipped with a small fixed probability. ...
Central limit theorem for a class of globally correlated random variables
(American Physical Society, 2016-06)
The standard central limit theorem with a Gaussian attractor for the sum of independent random variables may lose its validity in the presence of strong correlations between the added random contributions. Here, we study ...
A Note on Inverse Moments of Binomial VariatesA Note on Inverse Moments of Binomial Variates
(Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, 2000)
Probabilidad - Variables aleatorias
(Universidad de Belgrano - Fascículos - Carrera de Licenciatura en Hotelería, 2014-08-29)
Al fijar las condiciones iniciales para un experimento se da lugar a dos tipos de
a) Experimentos determinísticos: se conoce el resultado. Por ejemplo: si suelto un lápiz
se cae.
b) ...