Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 147
Allowing for Complementarity and Rich Substitution Patterns in Multiple Discrete- Continuous Models
(Elsevier, 2015)
Many consumer choice situations are characterized by the simultaneous demand for multiple alternatives that are imperfect substitutes for one another, along with a continuous quantity dimension for each chosen alternative. ...
Stochastic models for cognitive radio networks
(UR. FING, 2018)
During the last decade we have seen an explosive development of wireless technologies. Consequently the demand for electromagnetic spectrum has been growing dramatically resulting in the spectrum scarcity problem. In spite ...
Efeito do treinamento de força realizado com duração de repetição controlada e auto-selecionada na força e massa muscular de homens jovens
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma Interinstitucional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Fisiológicas - PIPGCFCâmpus São Carlos, 2018-09-25)
The aim of the study was to compare the effect of RD SELF, with and without total training volume equalized with RD CON, on muscle strength and hypertrophy. Twenty healthy untrained university students were recruited for ...
Modeling the decoy effect with context-RUM Models: Diagrammatic analysis and empirical evidence from route choice SP and mode choice RP case studies
(Elsevier, 2016)
Evidence outside transportation has suggested that the introduction of a decoy to the choice-set could increase the share of other alternatives. This evidence breaks the regularity assumption, which is at the root of the ...
Combined models with hierarchical demand choices: A multi-objective entropy optimization approach
This article proposes a multi-objective optimization approach to the formulation of a number of equilibrium problems that typically arise in the transportation planning process. These fall into two classes: combined demand ...
Martingale approach to optimal portfolio-consumption problems in Markov-modulated pure-jump models
We study optimal investment strategies that maximize expected utility from consumption and terminal wealth in a pure-jump asset price model with Markov-modulated (regime switching) jump-size distributions. We give sufficient ...
The Value of Observing the Buyer Arrival Time in Dynamic Pricing
We consider a dynamic pricing problem where a firm sells one item to a single buyer in order to maximize expected revenues. The firm commits to a price function over an infinite horizon. The buyer arrives at some random ...
Data, knowledge, and common sense reasoning
(Revista Abierta de Informática Aplicada, 2021)
Determining the daily digestible protein intake for nile tilapia at different growth stagesDeterminação da ingestão diária de proteína digestível para tilápia-do-nilo em diferentes fases de crescimento
This study aimed to estimate the utilization efficiency and optimal intake of digestible protein to maximize weight gain and feed conversion in Nile tilapia juveniles at different development stages. Four trials, each ...
Response of pullets to digestible lysine intake
The objective was to determine the efficiency of utilization of lysine and to describe the responses of pullets to different digestible lysine intakes using three mathematical functions to estimate an optimal intake ...