Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1428
Rain gauge inter-comparsion quantifies differences in precipitation monitoring
Efforts to correct precipitation measurements have been ongoing for decades, but are scarce for tropical highlands. Four tipping-bucket (TB) rain gauges with different resolution that are commonly used in the Andean mountain ...
Effects of simulated acid rain on the foliar micromorphology and anatomy of tree tropical species
(Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2018)
Effect of the resolution of tipping-bucket rain gauge and calculation method on rainfall intensities in an andean mountain gradient
(MDPI AG, 2016-11-16)
A laser-optical disdrometer served as reference to assess the absolute percent bias of calculated rainfall intensity using the data of different-resolution tipping-bucket rain gauges classically applied by climatologists ...
(Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Brasil, 2013)
Relación espacial de la lluvia con su intensidad máxima. Estudio de casos.
(Instituto de Geografia Tropical (IGT), 2004)
Las condiciones del mundo actual imponen el requerimiento de diseños cada vez más seguros y económicos para la construcción de cualquier instalación. Lo anterior hace que el conocimiento de las condiciones climáticas del ...
Construção da curva intesidade, duração e frequência (IDF) para a cidade de São Leopoldo a partir de dados de sensoriamento remoto
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-12-07)
The scarcity of available rainfall data makes it necessary to use the intensity, duration and frequency (IDF) relations of neighboring regions for urban stormwater drainage system design. Due to the inexistence of pluviometric ...
Construção da curva intesidade, duração e frequência (IDF) para a cidade de São Leopoldo a partir de dados de sensoriamento remoto
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-12-07)
The scarcity of available rainfall data makes it necessary to use the intensity, duration and frequency (IDF) relations of neighboring regions for urban stormwater drainage system design. Due to the inexistence of pluviometric ...
Rickettsia and Vector Biodiversity of Spotted Fever Focus, Atlantic Rain Forest Biome, Brazil
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2015)