Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 88
Seasonality in the vertical flux and species composition of Radiolaria Polycystina (Protista): Patterns and drivers
(Inter-Research, 2017-08)
Radiolarian flux rates, their intermittency, and changes in their species compositions are assessed using data from 73 time-series sediment trap deployments (1357 samples) covering 7-12 calendar months. Results are analyzed ...
Miocene to Recent Radiolarians from Southern Pacific Coast of Costa Rica
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2018)
Lower Darriwilian radiolarians from the Argentine Precordillera
(Elsevier France-editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2009-01)
The first radiolarians discovered in the Ordovician of the Argentinian Precordillera are reported. The material is associated with conodonts indicating the upper part of the Lenodus variabilis Biozone (Lower Darriwilian, ...
Miocene to recent radiolarians from southern pacific coast of Costa Rica
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2018)
Finding of two new radiolarian associations calibrated with ammonoids in the Vaca Muerta Formation (Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous), Neuquén Basin, Argentina
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-04)
An association of ammonoids and radiolarians retrieved from a sedimentary section of the Vaca Muerta Formation at Vega de Escalone, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, was analized under a strict stratigraphic control. Nine ammonoid ...