Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 624
The Radicalization of the Republican Party and its effects on American Foreign Policy
(Biblioteca Digital wdg.biblioUniversidad de Guadalajara, 2020-10-29)
Segmented Party-Voter Linkages in Latin America: The Case of the UDI
By analysing the socially segmented party voter linkages deployed by the Union Democrata Independiente (Independent Democratic Union, UDI), a Chilean conservative party, this article demonstrates the usefulness of combining ...
¿Una crisis de crecimiento? La expansión de la Unión Cívica Radical de Tucumán durante la “Revolución Libertadora”¿A growth crisis? The expansion of the Radical Civic Union during the “Revolución Libertadora”
(Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Escuela de Historia., 2018)
Public policies and political parties: the important role of informal institutions. Theoretical definitions and study of the case of UCRPolíticas públicas y partidos políticos: El peso de las instituciones informales. Definiciones teóricas y un estudio de caso sobre la UCR.
(Universidad Nacional de Lanús, 2011)
O Aparecimento da direita radical na Alemanha: a trajetória do partido Alternative für Deutschland nas eleições legislativas alemãs de 2013 a 2021The emergence of the radical right in Germany: the trajectory of the Alternative für Deutschland party in the German legislative elections from 2013 to 2021La aparición de la derecha radical en Alemania: la trayectoria del partido Alternativo Für Deutschland en elecciones legislativas alemanas de 2013 a 2021
(Universidade Federal da Grande DouradosBrasilFaculdade de Direito e Relações InternacionaisUFGD, 2023)
Los socialistas independientes
(Buenos Aires, Editorial de Belgrano, 1981)
Fuente: Fondo Fundación Editorial de Belgrano
Radicalizing democracy from social movements. The compared cases of Podemos in Spain and Frente Amplio in Chile Radicalizar la democracia desde los movimientos sociales. Los casos comparados de Podemos en España y del Frente Amplio en Chile
(Ariadna Ediciones, 2019)
In this paper, we analyse the causes that allowed social movements in 2011 to transform into political parties in Spain and Chile. For this, an in from the premises of radical democracy regarding the construction of the ...
Right-wing opposition to the mainstream radical right: the cases of Hungary and Poland
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021-07)
The aim of this article is to compare the role played by radical right and right wing parties in opposition to the mainstream radical right wing governments in Hungary and Poland. We analyse the role developed by the parties ...