Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 158
Assessment of native radar reflectivity and radar rainfall estimates for discharge forecasting in mountain catchments with a random forest model
<jats:p>Discharge forecasting is a key component for early warning systems and extremely useful for decision makers. Forecasting models require accurate rainfall estimations of high spatial resolution and other geomorphological ...
Radar Observations of Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities
(International Science Congress Association, 2015-10-24)
Long-term data set of radar observations using coherent and incoherent scatter radar sources during 1996-2008 were used to study the trend of low-latitude ionospheric irregularities, also referred to as equatorial spread ...
Incoherent scatter radar estimation of F region ionospheric composition during frictional heating events
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2011)
A method is developed for estimating F region ion composition from incoherent scatter radar (ISR) measurements during times of frictional ion heating. The technique addresses ion temperature-mass ambiguities in the IS ...
Caracterización de depósitos de suelo utilizando geo-radar
La técnica del geo-radar, o G.P.R. por su sigla en inglés (Ground Penetrating Radar), es una forma de prospección del subsuelo utilizando ondas electromagnéticas con frecuencias entre 10 y 1200 Mhz. Una imagen de geo-radar ...
Particle-in-cell simulation of incoherent scatter radar spectral distortions related to beam-plasma interactions in the auroral ionosphere
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2011)
An electrostatic parallel particle-in-cell (EPPIC) code that allows for particle beam injections and multiple boundary conditions is used to investigate the beam-plasma interaction and its manifestations in the incoherent ...
Estudo sobre os deslocamentos superficiais dos taludes do setor GW da mina de Fe de Brucutu (Quadrilátero Ferrífero-MG) por meio de dados de radar orbital
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2022-10-10)
A Mina de Brucutu encontra-se na porção nordeste do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, no município de São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo, a aproximadamente 120 km a leste de Belo Horizonte/MG. Nesse local a empresa Vale S.A. opera uma das ...
Cuantificación del error en la orientación de la antena del radar meteorológico DWSR-2500C (Ezeiza) : verificación de los trabajos realizados
(Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, 2017)
The case for combining a large low-band very high frequency transmitter with multiple receiving arrays for geospace research: a geospace radar
(American Geophysical Union, 2019-07-09)
We argue that combining a high-power, large-aperture radar transmitter with several large-aperture receiving arrays to make a geospace radar—a radar capable of probing near-Earth space from the upper troposphere through ...
Solving Long-Standing meteor mysteries
(The Pennsylvania State University, 2009-08)
Millions of meteoroids strike and disintegrate in the Earth's upper atmosphere every day and may be seen as visible or radar meteors. Although very few of the these foreign bodies actually make it to the surface of the ...