Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1006
Técnicas algorítmicas para cancelación de ruido en imágenes radar
RESUMEN: En este trabajo se da una breve descripción del principio y funcionamiento de un Sistema Radar, clasificación de radares, técnicas clásicas de detección de blancos y se propone un filtro para cancelación de ruido ...
Matching Radar and Satellite Images Employing the Hausdorff Distance for Ship Positioning and Trajectory Estimation
(IEEE, 2006)
The paper describes a technique to match satellite and radar images using the Hausdorff distance (HD). Minimization of the average of a truncated array of sorted Hausdorff distances is used to get estimates for the radar ...
Automatic ship positioning and radar biases correction using the hausdorff distance
(IEEE, 2007)
This paper describes a novel technique to obtain radar biases estimates that can effectively reduce mismatches in track association algorithms. This is accomplished by matching ship-borne radar images to geo-referenced ...
Radar Noise Reduction Based on Binary Integration
(IEEE, 2015)
Short range radars can provide robust information
about their surroundings under atmospheric disturbances,
such as dust, rain, and snow, conditions under which most
other sensing technologies fail. However, this information ...
The Jicamarca phased-array radar
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013-10)
Phased array and spaced antenna radar techniques developed and employed at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory for ionospheric research are reviewed. The ionospheric scatterers studied by Jicamarca are not spatially homogeneous ...
Impact of biannual rossby waves on the Indian Ocean Dipole
Topex/Poseidon sea surface height anomalies during 1993-2002 are decomposed using 2-D finite impulse response filters which showed biannual Rossby waves (BRWs) in the equatorial Indian Ocean (peak at 1.5 degrees S) and in ...
Um filtro gaussiano adaptativo para análise comparativa de imagens de radares e satélites meteorológicos
Meteorological satellite and radar data comparative analysis allows to correlate the precipitation structures observed in both images. Such analysis would make feasible the extension of the range of ground-based meteorological ...
Um filtro gaussiano adaptativo para análise comparativa de imagens de radares e satélites meteorológicos
Meteorological satellite and radar data comparative analysis allows to correlate the precipitation structures observed in both images. Such analysis would make feasible the extension of the range of ground-based meteorological ...