Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 21
The Arecibo Observatory as an MST radar
The present paper will make a brief description of the four radars available at the Observatory. We have included in the bibliography a list of references where more detailed descriptions of these systems can be found. The ...
Doing passive radio astronomy with a MST/ST System: a fast crosscorrelation algorithm
There are not too many antennas in the VHF range in the world dedicated to radio astronomy. ST, and specially MST, radars require and have large antenna apertures which could also be used for radio astronomical observations. ...
Low-Cost Ka-Band Cloud Radar System for Distributed Measurements within the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
(MDPI, 2020)
Radars are used to retrieve physical parameters related to clouds and fog. With these measurements, models can be developed for several application fields such as climate, agriculture, aviation, energy, and astronomy. In ...
The Southern Argentina Agile Meteor Radar Orbital System (SAAMER-OS): An Initial Sporadic Meteoroid Orbital Survey in the Southern Sky
(IOP Publishing, 2015-08)
We present an initial survey in the southern sky of the sporadic meteoroid orbital environment obtained with the Southern Argentina Agile MEteor Radar (SAAMER) Orbital System (OS), in which over three-quarters of a million ...
SDR Cloud Radar development with reused radio telescope components
(IEEE, 2017)
The ongoing implementation of a fog observatory in a coastal fog forest in northern Chile is expected to provide valuable information to improve our comprehension of these ecosystems alongside retrieving valuable data to ...
High-altitude meteors and meteoroid fragmentation observed at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory
(Royal Astronomical Society, 2014-12-08)
Modern high-power, large-aperture (HPLA) radars have been used in a variety of investigations including the investigation of meteoroid fragmentation. The identification of fragmentation has been based on a detailed ...
Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate and eddy diffusivity study in the tropical mesosphere using Jicamarca radar data
(Clemson University, 2006-05)
The MST radar at Jicamarca Radar Observatory JRO is a powerful radar that can detect atmospheric turbulence on the Bragg scale of 3 m in the daytime mesosphere 60-85 km Since 2002 the radar was operated for a few days each ...
Optimal aperture synthesis radar imaging
(American Geophysical Union, 2006-01)
Aperture synthesis radar imaging has been used to investigate coherent backscatter from ionospheric plasma irregularities at Jicamarca and elsewhere for several years. Phenomena of interest include equatorial spread F, ...