Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3017
Classification based on specific rules and inexact coverage
(Elsevier Ltd., 2012)
CAR-NF: A classier based on specic rules with high netconf
(ResearchGate, 2012)
Rule Generation and Compactation in the WWTPRule Generation and Compactation in the WWTP
(Computación y Sistemas, 2009)
Evolving relational hierarchical classification rules for predicting gene ontology-based protein functions
(Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - ACM SIGEVOVancouver, 2014-07)
Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification (HMC) is a complex classification problem where instances can be classified into many classes simultaneously, and these classes are organized in a hierarchical structure, having ...
A hybrid approach to learn with imbalanced classes using evolutionary algorithms
There is an increasing interest in the application of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) to induce classification rules. This hybrid approach can benefit areas where classical methods for rule induction have not been very ...
School admission in Chile, new rules of the game, and the devaluation of Middle-class capitals
This paper illustrates the influence of a new national assignment system (NSAS) on Chilean middle-class advantage. This system was designed to increase educational equity by changing the previous school admission "rules" ...
Post-processing association rules: A network based label propagation approach
Association rules are widely used to find relations among items in a given database. However, the amount of generated rules is too large to be manually explored. Traditionally, this task is done by post-processing approaches ...
A class of orthogonal functions given by a three term recurrence formula
We present a class of functions satisfying a certain orthogonality property for which there also exists a three term recurrence formula. This class of functions, which can be considered as an extension to the class of ...
The relevance of tag along rights and identity of controlling shareholders for the price spreads between dual-class shares: the brazilian case
(Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 2010)
This paper analyzes the determinants of the differential pricing of equity classes (the so-called dual-class premium [DCP]) in Brazil from 1995 to 2006 with a focus on two specific corporate governance aspects: i) the ...