Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1339
Bicolored display of Miconia albicans fruits: Evaluating visual and physiological functions of fruit colors
(Botanical Soc Amer Inc, 2015-09-01)
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Most bird-dispersed fruits are green when unripe and become colored and conspicuous when ripe, signaling that fruits are ready to be consumed and dispersed. The color pattern for fruits of Miconia ...
Changes in the aroma of organic passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg.) during ripeness
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-12-01)
The odoriferous importance of volatile compounds during maturation of organic passion fruit was studied. The volatile compounds were analyzed using GC-FID-OSME and GC-MS. The volatile profile changed throughout maturation. ...
Evaluation of the food, nutrition value, and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity of the ripe and unripe fruit of Rubus steudneri Schweinf
(Univ Putra Malaysia Press, 2022-02-01)
Rubus steudneri Schweinf. (Rosaceae) is one of the three unstudied Rubus species that grow in Ethiopia. The present work was aimed to determine the physicochemical characteristics, micronutrients, anthocyanins, and ...
Evaluation of the food, nutrition value, and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of the ripe and unripe fruit of Rubus steudneri Schweinf
Rubus steudneri Schweinf. (Rosaceae) is one of the three unstudied Rubus species that grow in Ethiopia. The present work was aimed to determine the physicochemical characteristics, micronutrients, anthocyanins, and ...
HS–GC–MS–O analysis and sensory acceptance of passion fruit during maturation
The odor-active compounds of the conventional yellow passion fruit influence the aroma during ripeness and the acceptance of the juice. HS–GC–MS and GC–OSME analysis and sensory acceptance of the conventional passion fruit ...
Capsicum-Colletotrichum interaction: Identification of resistance sources and quantification of secondary metabolites in unripe and ripe fruits in response to anthracnose infection
(Elsevier B.V., 2019-02-27)
Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichium species complex, is one of the main fungal diseases in pepper (Capsicum spp.) crops, resulting in extensive fruit losses during pre- and post-harvesting. Plants have structural and ...
A multipurpose portable instrument for determining ripeness in wine grapes using NIR spectroscopy
This paper describes the development of a noninvasive instrument that is designed to measure three parameters of ripeness in wine grapes, i.e., sugar (Brix), pH, and anthocyanin concentration. The instrument is based on ...
Differences in larval nutritional requirements and female oviposition preference reflect the order of fruit colonization of Zaprionus indianus and Drosophila simulans
(Elsevier B. V., 2015)
Species coexist using the same nutritional resource by partitioning it either in space or time, but few studies explore how species-specific nutritional requirements allow partitioning. Zaprionus indianus and Drosophila ...