Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 309
The sigma-isotypic decomposition and the sigma-index of reversible-equivariant systems
This work is concerned with dynamical systems in presence of symmetries and reversing symmetries. We describe a construction process of subspaces that are invariant by linear Gamma-reversible-equivariant mappings, where ...
Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory for Systems with Symmetry
In this paper we focus on a class of symmetric vector fields in the context of singularly perturbed fast-slow dynamical systems. Our main question is to know how symmetry properties of a dynamical system are affected by ...
Admissible reversing and extended symmetries for bijective substitutions
(Springer, 2023)
In this paper, we deal with reversing and extended symmetries of subshifts generated by bijective substitutions. We survey some general algebraic and dynamical properties of these subshifts and recall known results regarding ...
Reversible Hamiltonian Liapunov center theorem
We study the existence of periodic solutions in the neighbourhood of symmetric (partially) elliptic equilibria in purely reversible Hamiltonian vector fields. These are Hamiltonian vector fields with an involutory reversing ...
Reversible Hamiltonian Liapunov center theorem
We study the existence of periodic solutions in the neighbourhood of symmetric (partially) elliptic equilibria in purely reversible Hamiltonian vector fields. These are Hamiltonian vector fields with an involutory reversing ...
Singular perturbation problems for time-reversible systems
(Amer Mathematical SocProvidenceEUA, 2005)
Normal Form Theory For Reversible Equivariant Vector Fields
(Springer HeidelbergHeidelberg, 2016)
Global Phase Portraits for the Kukles Systems of Degree 3 with â.,¤2-Reversible Symmetries
We provide the normal forms, the bifurcation diagrams and the global phase portraits on the Poincaré disk of all planar Kukles systems of degree 3 with Z2-symmetries.
Electronic Properties of HgTe/CdTe Heterostructure Under Perturbations Preserving Time Reversal Symmetry.
(The American Physical SocietyMaryland, 2013-03)
Using first principles calculations, the Dirac cone of HgTe/CdTe heterostructure is identified at the interface, inside the valence band. The spin texture of the 2D Dirac states is totally in-plane for all interface ...