Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 166
Measuring dynamic topography in South America
(Elsevier B.V., 2019)
The understanding of modern topography, and basin and landscape evolution, requires clear comprehension of isostatic and dynamic forces (in addition to paleoclimate changes) over different temporal and spatial scales. Here ...
Relative contributions of tectonics and dynamic topography to the Mesozoic-Cenozoic subsidence of southern Patagonia
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-08)
Sedimentary basins result from a complex interaction between mantle, crustal and surficial erosional-driven processes, which act at different time and spatial scales. While shortening and crustal loading drive flexural ...
Topography of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor membrane-embedded domains
(American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2000-12)
The topography of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) membrane-embedded domains and the relative affinity of lipids for these protein regions were studied using fluorescence methods. Intact Torpedo californica AChR ...
Floristic survey of a residual vegetation at Rubiao Junior, Botucatu, SP, southeastern Brasil
(Inst Tecnologia ParanaCuritiba-paranaBrasil, 1995)
Surgical management of astigmatism with toric intraocular lenses
(Consel Brasil Oftalmologia, 2014-04-01)
Correction of corneal astigmatism is a key element of cataract surgery, since post-surgical residual astigmatism can compromise the patient's uncorrected visual acuity. Toric intraocular lenses (IOLs) compensate for corneal ...
Analysis of the life of cemented carbide drills with modified surfaces
(Springer London LtdLondonInglaterra, 2014)
Toric Artisan after transepithelial topography-guided photorefractive keratectomy for higher-order aberrations following intrastromal corneal ring segments in keratoconus - Trioptics
(Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2020-11-01)
We report a case of a 40-year-old female with keratoconus and high myopia who had previous ICRS implantation in both eyes (OU) and was intolerant to contact lenses. Manifest refraction was- 8.50 - 1.50 x 95 (20/25--) in ...
Fractalness of land gravity data and residual isostatic anomalies map of Argentina, Chile and western Uruguay
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Geofísica, 2015-04)
Gravity anomalies are often strongly influenced by topography, which effect is mitigated through appropriate reductions. Usually, a standard value of 2670 kg/m3 is used for the density of topography in the absence of ...
Prospects for green cane harvesting and cane residue use in Brazil
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 1999)