Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 17
REM sleep-dependent short-term and long-term hourglass processes in the ultradian organization and recovery of REM sleep in the rat
(Oxford University Press, 2020)
Study Objectives: To evaluate the contribution of long-term and short-term REM sleep homeostatic processes to REM sleep recovery and the ultradian organization of the sleep wake cycle.
Methods: Fifteen rats were sleep ...
Neuroendocrine and Peptidergic Regulation of Stress-Induced REM Sleep Rebound
(Frontiers Media Sa, 2016)
Sleep homeostasis depends on the length and quality (occurrence of stressful events, for instance) of the preceding waking time. Forced wakefulness (sleep deprivation or sleep restriction) is one of the main tools used for ...
Role of Corticosterone on Sleep Homeostasis Induced by REM Sleep Deprivation in Rats
(Public Library Science, 2013-05-07)
Sleep is regulated by humoral and homeostatic processes. If on one hand chronic elevation of stress hormones impair sleep, on the other hand, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep deprivation induces elevation of glucocorticoids ...
Privación selectiva de sueño rem en ratas : recuperación espontánea versus enmascaramiento: un estudio de homeostasis de sueño rem
(Universidad de Chile, 2017)
La homeostasis de sueño REM refiere el proceso mediante el cual la cantidad de tiempo en este estado se mantiene dentro de límites mínimos aceptables; sin embargo existen reportes contradictorios respecto a si el sueño REM ...
Prevalence and factors affecting rem and slow wave sleep rebound on cpap titration study in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
(Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Bogotá, 2008)
Background. In patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) treatment with CPAP results in an increase of REM sleep and slow wave sleep, but there is limited information about the prevalence of REM rebound in ...
Temporal Organization of the Sleep-Wake Cycle under Food Entrainment in the Rat
(Amer Acad Sleep Medicine, 2016)
Study Objectives: To analyze the temporal organization of the sleep-wake cycle under food entrainment in the rat.
Methods: Eighteen male Sprague-Dawley rats were chronically implanted for polysomnographic recording. ...
Cold exposure and sleep in the rat: REM sleep homeostasis and body size
Study Objectives: Exposure to low ambient temperature (Ta) depresses REM sleep (REMS) occurrence. In this study, both short and long-term homeostatic aspects of REMS regulation were analyzed during cold exposure and during ...
Trastorno conductual del sueño REM: REM sin atonía y cronobiología del sueño REM
(Universidad de Chile, 2019)
El trastorno conductual del sueño REM (RBD) es una entidad clínica propuesta como
precursor de alfa sinucleinopatías. Corresponde a una parasomnia caracterizada por signos
polisonmográficos de REM sin atonía y enacción ...
Increased susceptibility to development of anhedonia in rats with chronic peripheral nerve injury: Involvement of sleep deprivation?
(Pergamon-Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2009-08-31)
The Main purpose of the present study was to evaluate whether REM sleep deprivation (RSD) influences the development of anhedonia in rats in a peripheral neuropathy model induced by sciatic nerve constriction injury (CCI). ...
Increased susceptibility to development of anhedonia in rats with chronic peripheral nerve injury: Involvement of sleep deprivation?
(Pergamon-Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2014)