Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 112
Influence of Waste Brick Powder in the Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
Brick and concrete are the main materials contributing to demolition and construction waste. Considering this precedent, the effects of using both residuals in medium strength concretes are analyzed. Waste brick powder is ...
Thermal energy storage characterization of cementitious composites made with recycled brick aggregates containing PCM
(Elsevier Science SA, 2019-11)
This paper reports the results of an experimental program on sustainable cementitious composites made with Recycled Brick Aggregates (RBAs) employed as carriers for Phase-Change Materials (PCMs). The PCM-RBAs were produced ...
Use of recycled broken bricks as Partial Replacement Coarse Aggregate for the Manufacturing of Sustainable Concrete
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2020-02-28)
The bricks are one of the primary materials required for construction of homes that no used completely when executes all the walls due, the excess purchase, the cutting to be settle, the breaking for their transfer and its ...
Recycling of construction and demolition waste for producing new construction material (Brazil case-study)
Construction and demolition waste corresponds to 50% of all urban solid waste, usually it is dumped in improper places. This work reuses this waste as substitute of natural aggregate to produce bricks. Lime and cement were ...
Modelling the Thermal Energy Storage of Cementitious Mortars Made with PCM-Recycled Brick Aggregates
(Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 2020-03)
This paper reports a numerical approach for modelling the thermal behavior and heat accumulation/liberation of sustainable cementitious composites made with Recycled Brick Aggregates (RBAs) employed as carriers for ...
Effects of expanded vermiculite on the properties of fired bricks from water treatment sludge
In the present study, the suitability of using water treatment sludge (WTS) as the main raw material and expanded vermiculite (EV) as aggregate in the production of fired bricks was investigated. Mixtures containing between ...
Estudo da influência do teor de finos dos agregados reciclados mistos nas propriedades das argamassas de revestimento
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREngenharia CivilUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, 2016-07-14)
The expansion of the construction is of great importance for the economic development of the
country, due to the prominent position the sector takes in economy, creating jobs, enabling
housing, income and infrastructure. ...
Recycled Aggregates Based on Plastic Waste from WEEE
(Nova Science Publishers, 2021)
Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), such as small/big home appliances, TVs, computers and smartphones, has turnedinto a significant and growing pollution issue. WEEE is a complex mixture of materials and ...
Avaliação da relação entre os módulos de elasticidade estático e dinâmico de concretos produzidos com agregados graúdos reciclados em substituição aos agregados graúdos naturais
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-05-28)
Modulus of elasticity is a parameter that measures the stiffness of the concrete, being one of the properties taken into account in the structural safety check, since it expresses the conditions of the ultimate and service ...