Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 199
Aplicación del aprendizaje profundo al reconocimiento de la actividad humana
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo aplicar técnicas de aprendizaje profundo para el
reconocimiento de la actividad humana. Se han definido e implementado cuatro modelos de
red neuronal y se han entrenado con los datos ...
Complex patterns in networks of hyperexcitable neurons
(Elsevier Science, 2016-06-20)
Complex patterns in neuronal networks emerge from the cooperative activity of the participating neurons, synaptic connectivity and network topology. Several neuron types exhibit complex intrinsic dynamics due to the presence ...
Emergent Orientation Selectivity from Random Networks in Mouse Visual Cortex
(Elsevier, 2018-08)
The connectivity principles underlying the emergence of orientation selectivity in primary visual cortex (V1) of mammals lacking an orientation map (such as rodents and lagomorphs) are poorly understood. We present a ...
Subconvulsant doses of pentylenetetrazol uncover the epileptic phenotype of cultured synapsin-deficient Helix serotonergic neurons in the absence of excitatory and inhibitory inputs
Synapsins are a family of presynaptic proteins related to several processes of synaptic functioning. A
variety of reports have linked mutations in synapsin genes with the development of epilepsy. Among
the proposed ...
Recurrent neural controller for a continuous ohmic heater
RESUMEN: En esta tesis se presenta el diseño, desarrollo e implementación por computadora de un controlador neuronal para un sistema de calentamiento óhmico continuo para alimentos, el cual es un sistema multivariable, no ...