Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 648
ShadeMotion: the analysis of tree shade patterns tutorial
ShadeMotion 5.1.41 is a software application that calculates the number of hours of shade accumulated on each point (grid cell) on a plot due to the presence of trees, in any number, sizes and crown shapes and in any ...
Shade Motion: Un outil d’analyse des configurations d’ombrage
ShadeMotion 5.1.41 est une application logicielle qui permet de calculer, n’importe où sur la Terre, le nombre d'heures d'ombre qui s’accumulent en chaque point (cellule) d'une parcelle du fait de la présence d’une certaine ...
ShadeMotion: Analyse von Baumschattenmustern
(Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), 10-2021)
ShadeMotion 5.1.41 ist eine Softwareanwendung, die die Anzahl der kumulativen Schattenstunden berechnet,
die sich für jeden Punkt (jede Zelle) eines Grundstücks ergeben aufgrund der Präsenz einer beliebigen Anzahl von ...
Rheological properties of the raw material used in the Santa Gertrudes Ceramic Cluster proceeding from the Corumbatai Formation located in the Rio Claro, SP area
(Escola De Minas, 2007-10-01)
Silstones and mudstones from the Corumbatai Formation are exploted as raw material for the ceramic industries of Santa Gertrudes'Cluster Lithotypes from three quarries (Granusso, Tute and Cruzeiro), located in the Rio Claro ...
Comparação de arquivos de Imagens Joint Photographics Experts Group (Jpeg) e arquivo cru (.Raw) em fotogrametria computadorizada e antropometria direta na avaliação da região mamária.
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2018-05-31)
Introduction: The mammary region assessment has several peculiarities regarding the shape and the position of breasts in the thorax, which may influence the obtained data. Photographic documentation and graphics software ...
Receptor de frequência simples de baixo custo com aquisição e processamento de dados brutos de constelações GPS
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Tecnologia, 2018-05-04)
This work presents a portable low-cost system that acquires messages from GPS constellations’ satellites and generates a raw data file from these messages. Considering that the receiver works in single frequency (L1), the ...
Produção de grês porcelanato a partir de matérias-primas do Rio Grande do Norte e queima a gás natural
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia MecânicaTecnologia de Materiais; Projetos Mecânicos; Termociências, 2006-05-19)
The State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, possess major deposits of feldspar, clay, kaolin and talc, all raw materials used in the production of porcelainized stoneware tiles. Conversely, state industries manufacture only ...
Effect of acidification of raw milk on psychrotrophic microrganims.
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), 2013)
This work is part of a research under construction since 2000, in which the main objective is to measure small dynamic displacements by using L1 GPS receivers. A very sensible way to detect millimetric periodic displacements ...