Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3872
On the a.s. convergence of certain random series to a fractional random field in D'(Rd)
(Elsevier Science, 2005-08)
We prove the almost sure convergence in the sense of Schwartz distributions of certain random series. This result is useful to construct some type of fracional random fields. These series resemble the Karhunen-Loéve expansions.
Random series in Lp(X, Σ,μ) using unconditional basic sequences and lp stable sequences: A result on almost sure almost everywhere convergence
(American Mathematical Society, 2007-11)
Here we study the almost sure almost everywhere convergence of random series of the form Σ∞ i=1αifi in the Lebesgue spaces L p(X, Σ,μ), where the ai's are centered random variables, and the fi's constitute an unconditional ...
Random unconditional convergence of vector-valued Dirichlet series
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2019-11)
We study random unconditionality of Dirichlet series in vector-valued Hardy spaces Hp(X). It is shown that a Banach space X has type 2 (respectively, cotype 2) if and only if for every choice (xn)n⊂X it follows that (xnn−s)n ...
Learning and distinguishing time series dynamics via ordinal patterns transition graphs
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2019-12)
Strategies based on the extraction of measures from ordinal patterns transformation, such as probability distributions and transition graphs, have reached relevant advancements in distinguishing different time series ...
Machine-learning techniques and short-term combination forecasting of industrial production
The aim of this study was to develop short-term forecasts of the industrial production index in Brazil. Forecasts are made using five different methodologies: SARIMA, regressions, a structural, a dynamic factor models and ...
Predição de séries temporais em projetos ágeis
(Florianópolis, SC., 2022)
A convergence result for unconditional series in Lp(u)
We give sufficient conditions for the convergence almost everywhere of the expansion with respect to an unconditional basis for<br />functions in Lp, p ≥ 2. This result extends the classical theorem of<br />Menchoff and ...
Almost sure-sign convergence of Hardy-type Dirichlet series
(Springer, 2018-06)
Hartman proved in 1939 that the width of the largest possible strip in the complex plane on which a Dirichlet series ∑ nann− s is uniformly a.s.- sign convergent (i.e., ∑ nεnann− s converges uniformly for almost all sequences ...
On the exact distribution of the maximum of absolutely continuous dependent random variables
We derive the exact probability density function of the maximum of arbitrary absolutely continuous dependent random variables and of absolutely continuous exchangeable random variables. We show this density is related to ...