Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 202
Etude du comportement du nematode Meloidogyne exigua chez des cafeiers (Coffea arabica L.) resistants et sensibles
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica) Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier (Francia) Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie de Toulouse (Francia), 2002)
Les nématodes endoparasites (Meloidogyne spp.) représentent une limitation importante pour le développement de la caféiculture du fait de la sensibilité des variétés les plus cultivées au monde, celles appartenant {hooka} ...
Feral horses and alien plants: effects on the structure and function of the Pampean Mountain grasslands (Argentina)
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-11-28)
Disturbances can affect the biotic resistance of plant communities and alterations could takeplace in the system, such as the appearance or increase in abundance of new components. Tocharacterize the resistance to disturbance ...
Annual Report. Breeding for resistance to Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae CAV.) Disease in Brazil II.
Este documento es una invesitgación realizada por un especialista en patologías de arroz con el objetivo de encontrar una manera de resistencia al hongo Pyricularia orzyae CAV. en la producción de arroz en Brazil.
Etude du comportement du nematode Meloidogyne exigua chez des cafeiers (Coffea arabica L.) resistants et sensibles
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier (Francia). Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie de Toulouse (Francia), 2002)
Les nématodes endoparasites (Meloidogyne spp.) représentent une limitation importante pour le développement de la caféiculture du fait de la sensibilité des variétés les plus cultivées au monde, celles appartenant {hooka} ...
Opportunities for biotechnology research on Sorghum Stalk Rot and virus diseases
(African Crop Science Society, 1995-06-02)
Although considerable progress has been made using conventional technology in identification and characterization of viral and stalk rot diseases of sorghum, there is still an incomplete understanding of the genetics of ...
Effect of gramine in the resistance of barley seedlings to the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi
Gramine (N,N‐Dimethyl‐3‐aminomethylindole) content in various barley cultivars varied from 0 to 2.6 mmoles/kg fresh weight. Those cultivars which were lacking gramine were the most susceptible to the aphid Rhopalosiphum ...
Jamaica. Significant Achievements 2020
The main activities carried out by the Institute in Jamaica during 2020 are identified, with respect to the needs and interests of the country, in favor of the bioeconomy, sustainable development, agro-tourism and food ...