Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 227
Método de dinâmicas efetivas aplicado na análise da interação qubit-qubit em dispositivos supercondutores: a interação qubit-qubit no contexto da computação quântica
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Física - PPGFCâmpus São Carlos, 2022-02-23)
In this dissertation, we approach some aspects of quantum computing. At first, we detail the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm and show how to implement it in real IBM quantum computers, available free of charge via remote access ...
Extracting Information from Qubit-Environment Correlations
(Nature Publishing Group, 2014-12-17)
Most works on open quantum systems generally focus on the reduced physical system by tracing out the environment degrees of freedom. Here we show that the qubit distributions with the environment are essential for a thorough ...
Decoherence from qubit-qubit dipolar interaction in an all silicon quantum computer
(Sociedad Mexicana de Física A.C., 2009)
Quantum transistor using superconducting qubits
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Física - PPGFCâmpus São Carlos, 2022-09-23)
In recent times, quantum computation has become a flourishing field of research with increasing investment due to its promise to revolutionize computing, increasing the speed of information processing to levels far beyond ...
Times of Execution of the Quantum NOT Gate Operating on One of Two Interacting Qubits
(Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 2016)
Times of Execution of the Quantum NOT Gate Operating on One of Two Interacting Qubits
(Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 2015)
Coherencia y entrelazamiento en dinámica no Markoviana de qubits
We provide a thorough analysis of the entanglement dynamics of an interacting two-qubit system in the non-Markovian regime. In such a regime, the time scale on which the reservoir degrees of freedom evolve is either of the ...
Entanglement and the speed of evolution of two interacting qubits
(IOP Publishing, 2013-02)
The time needed by a quantum system to reach a state fully distinguishable from the original one provides a natural way of determining how fast the corresponding dynamical evolution is. This orthogonality time admits a ...