Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 84
Quaternary shortening at the orogenic front of the Central Andes of Argentina: the Las Peñas Thrust System
(Lyell Collection, 2014-06)
The NNW-trending Las Peñas Thrust System is one of the key structures along the Andean orogenic front between 32°15′ and 32°40′S in the Southern Precordillera of Argentina. This east-verging structure crops out over a ...
Quaternary-active thrusts scarps tested as deformation markers by trishear models in the Southern Precordillera of Argentina
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-05)
Scarps related to Quaternary-active thrust splays propagating in alluvial bajadas of the Southern Precordillera of Argentina (32°20′) were studied through detailed topographic surveys, in order to understand the reliability ...
Miocene to Quaternary deformation of the Guañacos fold-and-thrust belt in the Neuquén Andes between 37°S and 37°30′S
(Geological Society of America, 2006)
The fold and thrust belt of the Neuquén Andes between 37° and 37°30´S can be divided into two sectors that show contrasting evolutionary styles.The outer or eastern section contains the relatively well known Agrio and Chos ...
Evidence of Quaternary tectonics along Río Grande valley, southern Malargüe fold and thrust belt, Mendoza, Argentina
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2019-12)
The Malargüe fold and thrust belt is developed in the Argentinian Andes between 34° and 37° S, through the tectonic inversion of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic depocenters of the Neuquén Basin, with an uplift history ...
Quaternary tectonics in the southern Central Andes (37°-38° S): Retroarc compression inferred from morphotectonics and numerical models
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-10)
A neotectonic study at the transitional segment between the Central and North Patagonian Andes, in the northern part of the Neuquén province in Argentina (37°-38°S) was carried out revisiting sites previously surveyed and ...
Holocene shortening rates of an Andean-front thrust, Southern Precordillera, Argentina
(Elsevier, 2015-09)
A significant part of the Quaternary shortening between the Chilean trench and the relative stable interior of the South American plate at the Pampean flat slab (27–33°S), has been accommodated at the eastern foothills of ...
Late pleistocene to recent deformation in the thick‐skinned fold and thrust belt of northwestern Argentina (Central Calchaquí Valley, 26°S)
(American Geophysical Union, 2020-12-06)
The thick‐skinned fold‐and‐thrust belt on the eastern flank of the Andean Plateau innorthwestern Argentina (NWA) is a zone of active contractional deformation characterized by fault‐bounded mountain ranges with no systematic ...
Late Quaternary evolution of the La Cantera Fault System (Central Precordillera, Argentina): A morphotectonic and paleoseismic analysis
(Elsevier, 2015-10)
The La Cantera Fault System (LCFS) is the most active Quaternary structure in the Central Precordillera of SanJuan, in central-western Argentina; the system extends for 47 km along the intermountain valley that separatesthe ...
Exploring the shallow structure of the San Ramón thrust fault in Santiago, Chile (∼33.5° S), using active seismic and electric methods
The crustal-scale west-vergent San Ramón thrust fault system at the foot of the main Andean Cordillera in central Chile is a geologically active structure with Quaternary manifestations of complex surface rupture along ...
Multiple geophysical methods examining neotectonic blind structures in the Maradona valley, Central Precordillera (Argentina)
(Elsevier Science, 2017-08)
A high-resolution superficial geophysical study was carried out in an area of the retroarc region of the Andes mountains, located in the southwest of San Juan Province (31°45′ S, 68°50′ W), Central Precordillera of Argentina. ...