Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 79
A note on the quasi-stationary distribution of the shiryaev martingale on the positive half-line
(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications, 2019)
We obtain a closed-form formula for the quasi-stationary distribution of the classical Shiryaev martingale diffusion considered on the positive half-line [A, +∞) withA>0 fixed; the state space’s left endpoint is assumed ...
The quasi-stationary distribution of the subcritical contact process
(American Mathematical Society, 2020-07)
We show that the quasi-stationary distribution of the subcritical contact process on Zd is unique. This is in contrast with other processes which also do not come down from infinity, like stable queues and Galton-Watson, ...
Quasi-stationary distributions and diffusion models in population dynamics
In this paper we study quasi-stationarity for a large class of Kolmogorov
diffusions. The main novelty here is that we allow the drift to go to−∞at the
origin, and the diffusion to have an entrance boundary at +∞. These ...
Quasi-stationary distributions for structured birth and death processes with mutations
We study the probabilistic evolution of a birth and death continuous time
measure-valued process with mutations and ecological interactions. The individuals
are characterized by (phenotypic) traits that take values in a ...
Fleming-Viot selects the minimal quasi-stationary distribution: The Galton-Watson case
(Inst Mathematical Statistics, 2016-01)
Consider N particles moving independently, each one according to a subcritical continuous-time Galton-Watson process unless it hits 0, at which time it jumps instantaneously to the position of one of the other particles ...
Simulation of quasi-stationary distributions on countable spaces
(Moscow State University, 2013-05)
Quasi-stationary distributions (QSD) have been widely studied since the pioneering work of Kolmogorov (1938), Yaglom (1947) and Sevastyanov (1951). They appear as a natural object when considering Markov processes that are ...
Front propagation and quasi-stationary distributions for one-dimensional Lévy processes
(Univ Washington, 2016-09)
We jointly investigate the existence of quasi-stationary distributions for one dimensional Lévy processes and the existence of traveling waves for the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov (F-KPP) equation associated with ...
Quasi-stationary distributions and Fleming-Viot processes in finite spaces
(Applied Probability Trust, 2011-06)
Consider a continuous-time Markov process with transition rates matrix Q in the state space Λ ⋃ {0}. In the associated Fleming-Viot process N particles evolve independently in Λ with transition rates matrix Q until one of ...
Front propagation and quasi-stationary distributions: two faces of the same coin?
(Springer, 2019)
We analyze the connection between front propagation and quasi-stationary distributions in translation invariant one-dimensional Markov processes. We describe the link between them through the microscopic models known as ...
One-dimensional loss networks and conditioned M/G/infinity queues
(Applied Probability TrustSheffieldInglaterra, 1998)