Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 38130
Development and validation of the quantitative analysis of ceftazidime in powder for injection by infrared spectroscopy
(Scientific and Academic Publishing, 2012)
Determination of parabens in sweeteners by capillary electrochromatography
(Univ Sao Paulo, Conjunto QuimicasSao PauloBrasil, 2011)
Development and validation of the quantitative analysis of cefuroxime sodium in powder for injection by infrared spectroscopy
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2012)
Ceftazidime quantification by the infrared spectroscopy was developed and validated for pharmaceutical preparations in powder for injection. This method involved absorbance measurements of the band corresponding to aromatic ...
Development and validation of the quantitative analysis of cefuroxime sodium in powder for injection by infrared spectroscopy
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2016)
Quantitative determination of anti-fungal and insecticide amides in adult plants, plantlets and callus from Piper tuberculatum by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2003-09-01)
A rapid, sensitive and reliable reverse-phase HPLC method was used for the quantitative determination of the anti-fungal and insecticide amides, dihydropiplartine (1), piplartine (2), Delta(alpha,beta)-dihydropiperine (3) ...
Quantitative determination of anti-fungal and insecticide amides in adult plants, plantlets and callus from Piper tuberculatum by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2003-09-01)
A rapid, sensitive and reliable reverse-phase HPLC method was used for the quantitative determination of the anti-fungal and insecticide amides, dihydropiplartine (1), piplartine (2), Delta(alpha,beta)-dihydropiperine (3) ...
Development and validation of the quantitative analysis of ceftazidime in powder for injection by infrared spectroscopy
(Scientific and Academic Publishing, 2016)
Development and validation of the quantitative analysis of ceftazidime in powder for injection by infrared spectroscopy
(Scientific and Academic Publishing, 2016)
Quantitative determination of cytotoxic friedo-nor-oleanane derivatives from five morphological types of Maytenus ilicifolia (Celastraceae) by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2002-03-01)
Five different morphological types of Maytenus ilicifolia of the same age and harvested under the same conditions showed distinct accumulations of some friedo-nor-oleananes. A rapid, sensitive and reliable reverse-phase ...
Diagnostic accuracy of semi-quantitative and quantitative culture techniques for the diagnosis of catheter-related infections in newborns and molecular typing of isolated microorganisms
(Biomed Central Ltd., 2014-05-22)
Background: Catheter-related bloodstream infections (CR-BSIs) have become the most common cause of healthcare-associated bloodstream infections in neonatal intensive care units (ICUs). Microbiological evidence implicating ...