Now showing items 1-10 of 54304
Quality of life measurements in patients with osteoporosis and fractures
(Hospital Clinicas, Univ São Paulo, 2012-01-01)
To review all specific questionnaires regarding quality of life in osteoporosis and to describe their distinctive indications, we searched Medline, the Scientific Electronic Library Online database, and the Latin-American ...
Quality of life in chronic urticaria: A survey at a public university outpatient clinic, Botucatu (Brazil)
Objective: To evaluate the impact of chronic urticaria on quality of life of outpatients through the university questionnaire Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). Methods: Survey of the impact on quality of life caused ...
Quality of life and religious-spiritual coping in palliative cancer care patients
(Univ Sao Paulo, Escola De Enfermagem De Ribeirao Preto, 2017-01-01)
Objectives: to compare the quality of life and religious-spiritual coping of palliative cancer care patients with a group of healthy participants; assess whether the perceived quality of life is associated with the ...
End-of-life experience and its toll on quality of life and spirituality: A cross-sectional study
Background: Breast and cervical/uterine cancer affect body parts that have symbolic meaning for women.Women with this diagnosis at the end-of-life often experience anxiety and depression that severely impacts their quality ...
Chilean patients’ perception of oral health-related quality of life after third molar surgery
(Dove Medical Press Ltd., 2016)
Quality of life living with ocular prosthesis
Quality of life X quantity of life: The right to die with dignity protected by the advanced directives institutes
In the last century we have witnessed a great development in medicine. New drugs and sophisticated surgical interventions present the proposal for a long life, almost as a product available on the market. Facing death as ...