Mostrando ítems 1-4 de 4
Unitary quasifinite representations of W_{\infty}
(Springer, 2000-01)
We classify the unitary quasi-finite highest-weight modules over the Lie algebra W and realize them in terms of unitary highest-weight representations of the Lie algebra of infinite matrices with finitely many nonzero diagonals.
Quasifinite representations of classical Lie subalgebras of W∞, p
(American Institute Of Physics, 2013-07)
We show that there are exactly two anti-involutions σ± of the algebra of differential operators on the circle that are a multiple of p(t∂t) preserving the principal gradation (p∈C[x]p∈C[x] non-constant). We classify the ...
On modules over matrix quantum pseudo-differential operators
(Springer, 2002-04)
We classify all the quasifinite highest-weight modules over the central extension of the Lie algebra of matrix quantum pseudo-differential operators, and obtain them in terms of representation theory of the Lie algebra ...
QHWM of the orthogonal and symplectic types Lie subalgebras of the Lie algebra of the matrix quantum pseudo differential operators
(Unión Matemática Argentina, 2017-03)
In this paper we classify the irreducible quasifinite highest weight modules over the orthogonaland syplectic types Lie subalgebras of the Lie algebra of the matrix quantum pseudodifferential operators. We also realize ...