Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 267
Genome characterization of a Potato virus S (PVS) variant from tuber sprouts of Solanum phureja Juz. et Buk.
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2016-01-01)
Potato virus S (PVS) is a prevalent virus in potato fields in Colombia and the rest of the world. PVS has been classified into two separate lineages, PVSO (Ordinary) and PVSA (Andean), which are genetically distinct. In ...
Avaliação da resposta imune humoral anti- Pvs48/45 em infecções naturais por Plasmodium vivax da Amazônia brasileiraEvaluation of the anti-Pvs48/45 humoral immune response in natural infections by Plasmodium vivax from the Brazilian Amazon
(Universidade Federal de SergipePós-Graduação em Biologia ParasitáriaBrasilUFS, 2017)
Dynamite: A tool for the verification of alloy models based on PVS
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2014-03)
Automatic analysis of Alloy models is supported by the Alloy Analyzer, a tool that translates an Alloy model to a propositional formula that is then analyzed using off-the-shelf SAT-solvers. The translation requires ...
Detección serológica y caracterización molecular de Potato virus S (PVS, Carlavirus) en cultivos de papa de Colombia
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2013)
Long-term preservation of Lotus tenuis adventitious buds
(Springer, 2019-02)
Encapsulation-dehydration, encapsulation-vitrification, and vitrification were tested for cryopreservation of Lotus tenuis (Fagaceae) adventitious buds clusters (ABCs) obtained by a direct regeneration system from leaves ...
Long-term preservation of Lotus tenuis adventitious buds
(Springer Nature, 2019)
Encapsulation-dehydration, encapsulation-vitrification, and vitrification were tested for cryopreservation of Lotus tenuis
(Fagaceae) adventitious buds clusters (ABCs) obtained by a direct regeneration system from leaves ...