Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 64
Accountability behind closed doors?: legislator power and voting procedures
Accountability is important as a means of punishing wrongdoers, improving public confidence in the political system, and deterring potential lawbreakers. But to what extent is the likelihood of accountability an outcome ...
Sunshine or shield? Secret voting procedures and legislative accountability
(University of Surrey, 2014)
How does the use of a secret vote affect the likelihood that legislators will punish their peers? Two contending arguments exist in the literature: some argue that secret voting may be prejudicial, while others argue that ...
The perks of being female: crises, gender, and voting
Do crises affect voters’ attitudes towards candidates differently depending on their gender? Literature shows that people in general hold gendered stereotypes about the attributes of politicians that make women be perceived ...
Algunas reflexiones sobre populismo, descentralización y chavismo
(SABER ULA, 2004)
Vote buying in Argentina
Condemning corruption while condoning inefficiency: an experimental investigation into voting behavior
(EAESP - Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo, 2016)
This article reports results from an economic experiment that investigates to what extent voters punish corruption and waste in elections. While both are responsible for a loss of welfare for voters, they are not necessarily ...
The climate of democracy: effects of exposure to warmer temperatures on electoral outcomes in Chile
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts an increase in global temperatures by the early 2030s, exacerbating regional climate shifts and extreme weather events beyond initial forecasts. This paper ...
Lealtad y castigo: comportamiento electoral en Costa Rica
Se analiza la preferencia del voto en las elecciones nacionales de Costa Rica en 2010 y 2014, contrastando un caso en el que se premia al partido oficialista por medio de la continuidad con otro en el que se le castiga con ...
Congressional negotiations with costly voting: understanding the reforms to PEMEX in 2006-2008
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, División de Estudios Políticos, 2016)