Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3141
Accounting regulation: theories and analysis of the Brazilian accounting standards convergence to IFRSRegulação da contabilidade: teorias e análise da convergência dos padrões contábeis brasileiros aos IFRS
(Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2009)
O controle dos negócios jurídicos processuais da fazenda pública: da liberdade de negociação à preservação do interesse público.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2018-08-31)
How occurs the control of procedural contracts closed by Public Administration, whereas
must be observed the limits about public interest? To answer that question, firstly, it is
discussed the ideas about public interest ...
Regulação da contabilidade: teorias e análise da convergência dos padrões contábeis brasileiros aos IFRS
(Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2009-08-01)
The convergence process of local accounting standards into international standards requires significant changes in accounting regulation. Accountants and auditors are working hard to understand and familiarize themselves ...
Procedimento de manifestação de interesse: interesse de quem?
The Expression of Interest ('EoI') has been used by different Brazilian federative units, mainly during the last two years, when the institute was regulated by many states. Its goal is to allow modeling infrastructure ...
A Holistic Decision-Making Process to Improve the Productivity of Public Transportation in Cuenca-Ecuador
(Escuela Politécnica Nacional, 2021)
Public-private partnerships: origin, limitations and prospects for public sector accounting
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2020)
A holistic decision-making process to improve the productivity of public transportation in Cuenca-Ecuador
National governments are responsible for guaranteeing the accessibility, affordability, availability, and social acceptability of public services. If urbanization grows in an unplanned way requires more investments to ...
Brazil’s 35 years-old quasi-stagnation: facts and theory
Brazil is growing around 1% per capita a year from 1981; this means for a country that is supposed to catch up, quasi-stagnation. Four historical new facts explain why growth was so low after the Real Plan: the reduction ...
Studying Theory of Mind through Relational Frame Theory: A review of the literature on deictic relational respondingL’étude de la Théorie de l’Esprit au sein de la Théorie des Cadres Relationnels : Une revue de la littérature sur les réponses relationnelles déictiques
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2010)
Studying Theory of Mind through Relational Frame Theory: A review of the literature on deictic relational respondingL’étude de la Théorie de l’Esprit au sein de la Théorie des Cadres Relationnels : Une revue de la littérature sur les réponses relationnelles déictiques
(Acta ComportamentaliaActa Comportamentalia: Revista Latina de Análisis del Comportamiento, 2010)