Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 99
Grasping psychoanalysts' practice in its own merits
The central objective of this presentation is to reflect on the obstacles involved in the task proposed by the Chicago Congress, which is to explore convergences and divergences in psychoanalytic practice. The author ...
Phenomenology of obsessiveness Fenomenología de la obsesividad
(Editorial Triacastela, 2006)
Following the tradition of researchers of the phenomenological- anthropological school such as Straus, von Gebsattel, Tellenbach and Blankenburg, the author attempts to approach the obsessive-compulsive disorder from a ...
Space and time in the obsessive compulsive phenomenon
(Karger, 2018)
Following the tradition of researchers of the phenomenological- anthropological school such as Straus, von Gebsattel, Tellenbach, and Blankenburg, the author attempts to approach the obsessive-compulsive disorder from a ...
A psicoterapia relacional numa perspectiva fenomenológico-existencial
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAF - DEPARTAMENTO DE PSICOLOGIACurso de Especialização em Psicologia Clínica: Gestalt-Terapia e Análise ExistencialUFMG, 2019-05-25)
Clinical Psychology is associated to the idea of illness due to its origin and orientation in Psychopathology in order to better understand and justify the link between the psychologist and their language. A continuous ...
Resignificación de cicatrices por medio del tatuaje en adultos
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2022-05-16)
El estudio analiza la función del tatuaje en el proceso de resignificación de cicatrices en personas mayores de 18 años que residen en la ciudad de Lima. La metodología es de enfoque cualitativo y de diseño fenomenológic ...
Diagnóstico em psicanálise: da estrutura ao discurso
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAF - DEPARTAMENTO DE PSICOLOGIAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em PsicologiaUFMG, 2018-03-08)
This master’s dissertation proposes an investigation regarding the issue of the differential diagnosis in the context of the psychoanalytic practice. It consists of a research based on a clinical observation that refers ...
Estudo sobre as relações entre a fenomenologia e a gestalt-terapia: contexto, aparições terminológicas e sentidos entrelaçadosStudy on the relationship between phenomenology and gestalt-therapy: context, terminological appearances and intertwined meanings
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Psicologia, 2022)
O atendimento psicanalítico do bebê com risco de autismo e de outras graves psicopatologias: uma clínica da antecipação do sujeito
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2006-07-23)
The author proposed a theoretical and clinical articulation capable of providing support to an earlier psychoanalytical intervention to babies at risk of autism and other severe psychopathologies, as shown by signs of ...
Unconscious fantasy (or phantasy) as clinical concept
(Wiley, 2017)
A clinical phenomenology of the concept unconscious fantasy' attempts to describe it from a bottom-up' perspective, that is, from the immediate experience of the analyst working in session. Articles of psychoanalytic authors ...
Resignificación de cicatrices por medio del tatuaje en adultosResignification of scars through tattoing in adults
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2022)