Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 334
Protestant Churches, the defense of Human Rights (1976-1983) and the support for Same-Sex Marriage (2010) in Argentina
(Muzeului de Istorie Galati, 2015-12)
Religious actors regularly participate in political debates in Latin America. In Argentina, Historical Protestant Churches have been politically involved in several debates since the 1970s. This article compares twoprocesses ...
The Protestant Road to Bureaucracy
(Cambridge University Press, 2023)
After the seventeenth century, rulers across Europe attempted reforms to replace amateur administrators with professional bureaucrats. The success of administrative reforms hinged on whether rulers could compensate entrenched ...
Los retos actuales para las tradiciones indígenas. Procesos de transformación y reelaboración en Oaxaca
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, 2006)
Building networks between families and evangelical churches in poverty contexts in Córdoba, ArgentinaHilvanando redes entre familias e Iglesias evangélicas en contextos de pobreza en Córdoba, Argentina
(Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2017)
Entrevista al Padre Flaviano Amatulli Valente
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, 2013)
“Fé, oração e atividade”: a inserção da Igreja Episcopal Brasileira no campo religioso santa-mariense a partir das estratégias de missionários e leigos (1899-1906)
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilHistóriaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em HistóriaCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2019-04-26)
This work addresses the union of strategies used by clergy and laypeople in the daily
missionary work of the Brazilian Episcopal Church in the central region of the State of Rio
Grande do Sul, in the city of Santa Maria. ...
O crescimento neopentecostal no bairro dos Prazeres: motivos e razões de mudanças de denominação religiosa.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2010-03-19)
Our research concentrates on the study of the increasing phenomenon of the movements contemporary neopentecostal, being taken as reference the neighborhood of the Prazeres and your limitations in the city district of ...
Igreja Evangélica Livre do Brasil 1936-2017: entre a pátria alemã e a nação brasileira.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2018-11-30)
This dissertation aims to make a historical description of the Evangelical
Free Church of Brazil. To this end, it seeks the relation of the origin of this
denomination in Europe with the arising of independent religious ...
O novo templo de Salomão: o projeto de expansão da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus para o Brasil e o mundo.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2017-01-20)
The construction of the Temple of Solomon in this work named as New Temple of Solomon was announced in 2010 by Bishop Edir Macedo as a great project to be held in São Paulo City by the Universal Church of the Kingdom of ...