Identification of novel proteins and mRNAs differentially bound to the Leishmania Poly(A) Binding Proteins reveals a direct association between PABP1, the RNA-binding protein RBP23 and mRNAs encoding ribosomal proteins
Assis, Ludmila A.; Santos Filho, Moezio V. C.; Silva, Joao R. da Cruz; Bezerra, Maria J. R.; Aquino, Irassandra R. P. U. C. de; Merlo, Kleison C.; Holetz, Fabíola Barbieri; Probst, Christian Macagnan; Rezende, Antonio M.; Papadopoulou, Barbara; Lima, Tamara D. C. da Costa; Melo Neto, Osvaldo P. de (Public Library of Science, 2021)