Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 98
Animated cartoons through the mirroring technique to teach stress pronunciation.
(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de DiosLicenciatura en Idioma Extranjero - Inglés, 2017)
This research project focused on analysing how by implementing animated cartoons in an EFL class with tenth graders at the public high school Robert Francis Kennedy, located in Bogota, through a mirroring technique, could ...
Use of tongue twisters to enhance pronunciation in EFL high school seniors.
The aim of this work is to enhance students’ pronunciation skills through the use of various activities based on tongue twisters. Tongue twisters are not used as much in the teaching of a second language; however, this ...
Developing awareness of unknown sounds to improve merging and substitution pronunciation mistakes
(Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, extensión Guayaquil, 2018)
Breaking the ice with phonetics and phonology
(Bloomsbury, 2020)
Teaching pronunciation in language courses has traditionally followed two approaches: the intuitive-imitative approach and the analytic-linguistic approach. The former consists in reproducing the target language on the ...
English vowel sounds: pronunciation issues and student and faculty perceptions
(Instituto de Investigación en Educación, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2019)
Various authors among them Harmer (2004) and Kelly (2004) point out that there are two key problems with pronunciation teaching. Firstly it tends to be neglected. And secondly when it is not neglected, it tends to be ...