Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Análise comparativa entre pilares metálicos e mistos aço-concreto aplicados em edifícios de múltiplos pavimentosComparative analysis between steel columns and mixed steel-concrete applied in mult-storey buildings
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilEngenharia Civil, 2019)
Debido proceso colectivo, la representatividad adecuada en las acciones de grupo
(Universidad del RosarioMaestría en Derecho AdministrativoFacultad de Jurisprudencia, 2018)
The present work is about due process of law, and argues for its "mutable" or "dynamic" character, that is, that its guarantees and contents are not static, but that they change depending on the type of claim, so that it ...