Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5261
Correct use of linking verbs in statements to students in 10th basic education atahualpa high school 2016 2017 academic year
(Machala : Universidad Técnica de Machala, 2016)
The main objective of this project is to demonstrate the methodologies in teaching the correct use of linking verbs. speaking in methodologies we should use the following interrogations: what to teach? how to teach and why ...
A disciplina de Environment and Human Development para crianças de um colégio com programa bilíngue: o ensino de línguas por projetos
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Linguística - PPGLCâmpus São Carlos, 2019-02-21)
This study investigates how the Environment and Human Development (EHD) school subject contributes Language Teaching through Projects (EAL) Teaching in Elementary School classes in a Bilingual Program at a school. Taking ...
The Teaching Method of Graphic Design in Brazil, Methodology of Brand Development and Their Market Outcomes
(Springer, 2015-01-01)
The growth of the number of graphic designs to meet the needs of the market has reduced the development process of the same, making them incomprehensible. The use of a suitable method enables new professionals to develop ...
A necessidade de projetos inovadores para desenvolvimento de técnicas de ensino
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeiraBrasilEducação: Métodos e Técnicas de EnsinoUTFPR, 2020-09-25)
This work aims to discuss the importance and necessity of the development of teaching technics and education that follows the scientific, technological, social, cultural and economic development. It pursues studying about ...
Contribuições do ensino por projetos na disciplina de controle e proteção ambiental no curso Técnico em Edificações
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPonta GrossaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia, 2015-03-19)
This study arose due to the great resistance of the students of the Technical Course in Buildings regarding the discipline of Control and Environmental Protection, in 2012, by addressing issues relevant to sustainability ...
Teaching materials used in the development of productive skills of the language in the english students
(Machala : Universidad Técnica de Machala, 2016)
This project is focused on the teaching materials that the teacher can use with the students to develop the productive speaking and writing skills. the teaching materials are the resources that the teacher needs to guide ...
(Iated-int Assoc Technology Education & Development, 2013-01-01)
The Unesp in Sao Paulo (Brazil) is responsible for training nearly 7,000 professionals/year, which are thrown into the labor market with the commitment and competence to deal with the varied activities inherent in the ...