Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 181
Hyperpycnal littoral deltas: a case of study from the Lower Cretaceous Agrio Formation in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina
(Elsevier, 2021-11-13)
Recent advances in the understanding of deltaic deposits provide new tools for the study and analysis of deltaic deposits in shallow epicontinental seas. After the introduction of sequence stratigraphic concepts, meter-scale ...
Depositional processes and stratigraphic evolution of the Campanian deltaic system of La Anita Formation, Austral-Magallanes Basin, Patagonia, Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Sedimentología, 2019-04)
Coastal depositional systems are commonly classified in terms of the relative interaction of wave, tide and fluvial processes. The La Anita Formation represents the opportunity to study and better understand coastal ...
Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of a Tithonian-Valanginian carbonate ramp (Vaca Muerta Formation): A misunderstood exceptional source rock in the Southern Mendoza area of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2014-04)
The Vaca Muerta Formation (early Tithonian-early Valanginian) is a rhythmic succession of marls and limestones, cropping out in the Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina. This lithostratigraphic unit was traditionally ...
Geochemistry of aggradational - Progradational sequence sets of the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous Vaca Muerta shales (Añelo area, Neuquén Basin, Argentina): Relation to changes in accommodation and marine anoxia
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-08)
Unconventional shale plays have received marked attention over the last years because of their economic potential for hydrocarbon generation. The size and geology of the Neuquén Basin of western Argentina lends to large ...
Sequence stratigraphy of a tidally dominated carbonate-siliciclastic ramp; the Tithonian-Early Berriasian of the southern Neuquen Basin, Argentina
(Geological Society Publications House, 2000-03)
The Tithonian-Berriasian Vaca Muerta, Carrin Cura and Picun Leufu formations in the southern Neuquen Basin were deposited on a tidally dominated, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp. Basinal, outer, middle, shallow and back ...
Estratigrafia de seqüências das formações Taciba e Rio Bonito (Membro Triunfo) na região de Mafra/SC, leste da Bacia do Paraná
The Taciba and Rio Bonito (lower Triunfo Mbr) formations are divided into six depositional sequences based on cores, gamma-ray and electrical logs from shallow drillings from northern Santa Catarina State, Each sequence ...
Estratigrafia de seqüências das formações Taciba e Rio Bonito (Membro Triunfo) na região de Mafra/SC, leste da Bacia do Paraná
The Taciba and Rio Bonito (lower Triunfo Mbr) formations are divided into six depositional sequences based on cores, gamma-ray and electrical logs from shallow drillings from northern Santa Catarina State, Each sequence ...