Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 141
Improved likelihood inference for the shape parameter in Weibull regression
We obtain adjustments to the profile likelihood function in Weibull regression models with and without censoring. Specifically, we consider two different modified profile likelihoods: (i) the one proposed by Cox and Reid ...
Eliminação de parâmetros perturbadores em um modelo de captura-recaptura
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Estatística - PPGEs, 2011-11-18)
The capture-recapture process, largely used in the estimation of the number of elements of animal population, is also applied to other branches of knowledge like Epidemiology, Linguistics, Software reliability, Ecology, ...
Inference for a skew extension of the Grubbs model
(SPRINGER, 2010)
In this paper, we discuss inferential aspects for the Grubbs model when the unknown quantity x (latent response) follows a skew-normal distribution, extending early results given in Arellano-Valle et al. (J Multivar Anal ...
Inference for the Richards growth model using Box and Cox transformation and bootstrap techniques
(Elsevier Science BvAmsterdamHolanda, 2006)
Reconstruction of air shower muon densities using segmented counters with time resolution
(Elsevier Science, 2016-06)
Despite the significant experimental effort made in the last decades, the origin of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays is still largely unknown. Key astrophysical information to identify where these energetic particles come ...
Modelagem do crescimento populacional do rebanho bovino brasileiroModeling the growth of Brazilian cattle population
(Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2005)
Aggressive and prosocial? Examining latent profiles of behavior, social status, machiavellianism, and empathy
The present study tests whether aggression and prosocial behavior can coexist as part of a socially functional and adaptive profile among early adolescents. Using a person-centered approach, the study examined early ...
Differential Patterns of Connectivity in Progressive Mild Cognitive Impairment
It is now widely accepted that Alzheimer's disease is characterized by a functional disconnection between brain regions. The disease appears to begin up to decades prior to clinical diagnosis. Therefore, in the present ...
Richards growth model and viability indicators for populations subject to interventions
(Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2010)
In this work we study the problem of modeling identification of a population employing a discrete dynamic model based on the Richards growth model. The population is subjected to interventions due to consumption, such as ...