Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 38851
Learning of Teaching in the Professional Socialization in Physical Education
(Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2017)
AbstractAIMS to investigate how the professional socialization happens through teacher education.METHODS a qualitative research, descriptive, was developed using exploratory interview and narrative interview to clarify and ...
Chilean Social Work professionalizationProfesionalidad del Trabajo Social Chileno
(Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Escuela de Trabajo Social, 2020)
CIO competencies: A social representation analysis
(Association for Information Systems, 2014)
The Chief Information Officer (CIO) has become increasingly important for companies. However, one can perceive that this professional realizes that his/her competencies are not always enough to tackle a daily professional ...
The social meaning of medical professionalism El sentido social del profesionalismo médico
This essay looks into the meaning of today's professionalism and the apparent inconsistency between its growing status and a context of profound changes and dissatisfaction with medical practice. The cultural climate of ...
Library professionals' education in the Mercosur countries
This paper deals with library professionals education in Mercosur - the Common Market of South America - established on 29 March, 1991 to expand the national markets of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and promote ...
Library professionals' education in the Mercosur countries
This paper deals with library professionals education in Mercosur - the Common Market of South America - established on 29 March, 1991 to expand the national markets of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and promote ...
Subjects of meanings attributed to Intervention Professional relationship developed with Social WorkersSignificados que los sujetos de intervención le atribuyen a la relación profesional desarrollada con trabajadores sociales
(Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Escuela de Trabajo Social, 2019)