Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5622
Professional ethics, professionalization, and regulation of pharmaceutical sales representatives: Analyzing the Costa Rican case
The purpose of this essay is to present an argument in favor of a strong state regulation of sales representatives working for pharmaceutical companies, taking as an example the Costa Rican legislation, which can be used ...
Integration of Reflection and Self-Regulation as Factors of Personality’s Self-Actualization
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
How do educational systems regulate the teaching profession and teachers’ work? A typological approach to institutional foundations and models of regulation
(Elsevier, 2020)
This cross-national study contributes to the comparative literature on institutional variations in the regulation of the teaching profession by developing a theoretical typology articulated around teacher education, labor ...
Strengthening midwifery in Brazil: education, regulation and professional association of midwives
(Churchill LivingstoneLondres, 2013)
This article describes Brazilian midwives' struggle to establish their professional field in the arena of maternal and child health in Brazil. Despite the obstacles, midwives continue trying to claim their social space, ...
Expert Knowledge and Self-Regulation in Older Adults, Professional and Non-Professional Retirees
While various psychosocial variables, involved in post-retirement adaptation, were investigated, enough attention has not been paid to the role of expert knowledge. This research aims to compare life goals of professional ...
Conocimiento experto y autorregulación en adultos mayores jubilados profesionales y no profesionalesExpert Knowledge and Self-Regulation in Older Adults, Professional and Non-Professional RetireesConhecimento experto e auto-regulamentação em idosos aposentados profissionais e não profissionais
(Universidad de Rosario, 2018)
While various psychosocial variables, involved in post-retirement adaptation, were investigated, enough attention has not been paid to the role of expert knowledge. This research aims to compare life goals of professional ...
The social meaning of medical professionalism El sentido social del profesionalismo médico
This essay looks into the meaning of today's professionalism and the apparent inconsistency between its growing status and a context of profound changes and dissatisfaction with medical practice. The cultural climate of ...