Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3499
Rethinking professional autonomy: Autonomy to develop and to publish news in Mexico and Colombia
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2017)
Professional autonomy has usually been defined in terms of journalists' perceptions of their control over their work vis-à-vis organizational supervisors. Using surveys of journalists in Colombia and Mexico, we identify ...
Correlation of living will, bioethics, professional activity and patient autonomyRelación entre testamento vital, bioética, actuación profesional y autonomía del pacienteInterface do testamento vital com a bioética, atuação profissional e autonomia do paciente
Objective To analyze the correlation between living will and bioethical aspects, professional performance and patient autonomy. Methods Theoretical reflection after a search conducted in the Virtual Health Library, PubMed ...
Teaching in the pandemic: reconceptualizing Chilean educators’ professionalism now and for the future
(Emerald, 2020)
Purpose This essay explores the effects of school buildings closure during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on Chilean teachers' and principals' professional role and values, highlighting implications for ...
Professional Autonomy. Key Competence for Teachers in Commercial EducationLa autonomía profesional. Competencia clave para el docente en Educación Comercial
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE), 2012)
Percepción de los enfermeros recién graduados sobre su autonomía profesional y sobre el proceso de la toma de decisiones del paciente
This study involved newly graduated nurses performing in a public hospital and aimed at apprehending how they interpret the reality of their practice as well as their knowledge and experiences; at identifying and problematizing ...
Professional Autonomy and Structural Influences: Exploring How Homicides, Perceived Insecurity, Aggressions Against Journalists, and Inequalities Affect Perceived Journalistic Autonomy in Colombia
(Cartagena de Indias, 2020)
Journalistic autonomy has been studied more frequently in countries with secure democracies in terms of journalists’ perceptions of freedom and independence to work in the midst of the controls, pressures, and influences ...