Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2004
Lignin chemistry and topochemistry during kraft delignification of Eucalyptus globulus genotypes with contrasting pulpwood characteristics
(Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, 2014-08-01)
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. is a short-fibre resource for pulp and paper production. Ten different E. globulus genotypes with varied pulpwood quality and chemical composition were evaluated under kraft pulping conditions. ...
Curb your enthusiasm: Challenges to the development of lithium-based linkages in Argentina
(Pergamon, 2021-03)
This paper contributes to the literature on resource-based development by analysing the opportunities and obstacles faced by linkage-development initiatives adopted in Argentina around lithium. A case study research has ...
Mining linkages in the Chilean copper supply network and regional economic development
The geographical expansion and increasing complexity of extractive production imply that the effect of mining linkages on economic development is unevenly felt inter- and intra-nationally. This article uses the linkages-based ...
Linkage: Basic Requirement in any Product of Research in EducationLa articulación, requisito básico de un producto de investigación educativa
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE), 2012)
Recent changes in intersectoral relationships: a study of service and industrial activities
(Univ Estadual Campinas, Inst Geociencias, Dept Politica Cientifica & Tecn, 2017-01-01)
This study examines the changes in recent decades in the links between the different activities of the economy, especially in those links between manufacturing and services. This research seeks to analyze the linking ...
The forestry and cellulose sector in the Province of Concepción, Chile: Production linkages between the Secano Interior and industry in Greater Concepción, or an enclave economy?
This article deals with the interaction between supply chains and territory, identifying two types of development: the "enclave" type of the rain-fed farming economy in the inland area known as the Secano Interior, and the ...