Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2056
Collaborative Relationship Analysis Between Dairy
(FGV EAESP, 2012)
Modeling dynamic interactions in supply chains using agent-based simulations
(Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2013-10)
In this work, we present preliminary results of our research on the construction of an agent-based simulation framework suitable to support the analysis of complex supply chain interactions as the one required for the ...
Counterion condensation on polyelectrolyte chains adsorbed on charged surfaces
(Elsevier Science, 2015-09-20)
We developed a Monte Carlo systematic study into the effect of counterion condensation on the polyelectrolyte adsorption process on charged surfaces. Polyelectrolyte is modeled as a full-flexible chain whose size is ...
(Inst Mathematical StatisticsClevelandEUA, 2013)
Tailoring the self-assembly of linear alkyl chains for the design of advanced materials with technological applications
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018-03-13)
The self-assembly of n-alkyl chains at the bulk or at the interface of different types of materials and substrates has been extensively studied in the past. The packing of alkyl chains is driven by Van der Waals interactions ...
Contract e-negotiation in agricultural supply chains
(M E Sharpe IncArmonkEUA, 2008)
Modeling reverse logistics process in the agro-industrial sector: The case of the palm oil supply chain
(Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013-06-04)
As today’s consumers are more and more concerned with the environmental impacts of products and services they buy, enterprises have been more and more concerned with “green operations”. One of the key aspects of green ...
Conceptualization of the dynamics and synergistic partnership between the agri-food production chain and public health veterinarians
(San José, Costa Rica, 2015-06-01)
The agricultural value chain concept refers to the interaction between multiple manufacturing stages involved in the production process of a specific nourishment. The earned value of the final product is generated due to ...