Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 331
Link prediction using a probabilistic description logic
(Netherlands, 2014-03-11)
Due to the growing interest in social networks,
link prediction has received significant attention. Link prediction
is mostly based on graph-based features, with some
recent approaches focusing on domain semantics. We ...
Probabilistic logic with independence
This paper investigates probabilistic logics endowed with independence relations. We review propositional probabilistic languages without and with independence. We then consider graph-theoretic representations for propositional ...
Assembling a consistent set of sentences in relational probabilistic logic with stochastic independence
We examine the representation of judgements of stochastic independence in probabilistic logics. We focus on a relational logic where (i) judgements of stochastic independence are encoded by directed acyclic graphs, and ...
On the probabilistic bisimulation spectrum with silent moves
(Springer, 2020-10)
In this paper we look at one of the seminal works of Rob van Glabbeek from a probabilistic angle. We develop the bisimulation spectrum with silent moves for probabilistic models, namelyMarkov decision processes. Especially ...
Semantic Unlink Prediction in Evolving Social Networks through Probabilistic Description Logic
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014)
Recently, prediction of new links between two individuals in social networks has gained a lot of attention. However, to fully understand and predict how the network evolves through time, ending relationships also need to ...
A scalable probabilistic description logic approach for semantic link prediction
(SBCCuritiba, 2012-05-20)
Predicting potential links between unconnected nodes in a network,
as collaboration networks, is a problem of great practical interest. Link prediction
is mostly based on graph-based features and recently, on approaches ...
Probabilistic Neural Synapse Based in Quantum Mechanics
(IEEE, 2022)
The process of synaptic transmission is projected onto the territory of quantum mechanics. Thus, the electric interactions are seen as probabilistic events more than a deterministic one. In this manner, the neurotransmitter ...
A Quantitative-Informational Approach to Logical Consequence
In this chapter, we propose a definition of logical consequence based on the relation between the quantity of information present in a particular set of formulae and a particular formula. As a starting point, we use Shannon’s ...